Instal Atomic Habits
Instal Atomic Habits

I have taken the suggestion of one space, one use, one habit to a new level. Excess usage of phone is one such bad habit.

instal Atomic Habits

I have found this useful in breaking bad habits. The 1% rule is highly stated in professional settings and this book endorses the same. The 1% gains “Forget about the goals, habits are about the system”. ( I’m sure a lot of research and writing is going to come around this theme very soon especially in the post pandemic world) “Habits are a function of the person in the environment”. Setting up work spaces for work, family spaces for family time is essential because habits thrive around the environment where it is executed. In the pandemic times when work and life turned blur, we did miss this crucial aspect of setting up the environment for habit installation and execution. The other side of habit implantation is creating a better environment for delivery. I will do this at this time at the specific place. An easy way to do that is to install this habit of Implementation Intent i.e. Sticking to schedules, following up at the scheduled times, delivering on timelines etc.

instal Atomic Habits

Often as professionals we skip some of practices that I would call 'good to have'. The Implementation intent – Habits are all about having an implementation intent. Here's my top 3 takeaways on building atomic habits that stick in a professional life Likewise practicing the opposite will help break the bad habits. The four laws to form and make a good habit stick are to make it obvious (Cue), Make it attractive (Craving), Make it easy (response) and finally make it satisfying (reward). In the new one from James Clear it is around Cue, Craving, Response and Reward. The basic system of habit from the previous work was the process around Cue, Routine and Reward. The book builds on previous research around habits and draws particularly from Charles Duhigg's work in the book, 'The Power of Habit'. Atomic Habits by James Clear is a best seller and as the name suggests there are multiple micro-steps that can turn into habits if we act on it daily.

Instal Atomic Habits