Mr flaky monster legends wiki
Mr flaky monster legends wiki

Rarity and relic filters only allow a single selection at the time.įor advanced filtering, click the arrow at the top column to filter, move down to Text Filters, then select "Contains." This will open a pop-up window where you can type the word you want to be shown (e.g.- fire, female, trap, etc.). The filters are additive: monsters will be displayed that have ALL the items selected. To clear all filters, just click the clear all filters button on the far right (users may get an error message if the filters are already cleared). To clear a filter, just click the corresponding button to clear that particular filter. To filter, simply click the image of the rarity, element, book, or relic. Users will need a recent version of Excel to run the macros properly (and may need to Enable Editing and then Enable Macros when first loading up the spreadsheet).

mr flaky monster legends wiki

Users can organize by monster number (from the Monstagram), monster name, rarity, elemental types, books, relics, and stats (power, life, and speed).

mr flaky monster legends wiki

Additional tabs include stats for the various limited-time books. The following tables show stats for every legendary monster. Use monsters like Yedra to take advantage of his healing skills.The link above directs to an excel spreadsheet with fully sortable and filterable stats (instructions below). Monsters like General Darmith or Megaosteum take Alces down easily.

  • CDA users like Timerion can keep Alces down for a while.
  • Relief Arrows (Team 35% Heal, 33s, 3 CD).
  • Soothing Arrows (AoE 30 Special dmg + Damage Reduction, 32s, 3 CD).
  • Poisoned Arrow (55 Nature dmg + Poison, 29s, 1 CD).
  • Bow Impact (45 Nature dmg + Stun + Self Regeneration, 28s, 2 CD).
  • No access to NER or any other positive effect as a support.
  • Lots of negative effects, like Stun, Poison, and Damage Reduction.
  • mr flaky monster legends wiki

    Unfortunately, he has pretty high cooldowns, is weak to Reverse Healing, isn't able to use NER, and has pretty outdated stats compared to modern legendaries. He can hold Uriel Essence, which is great to have on any monster. He can spread a few nasty negative effects aswell like Stun, Poison, and Damage Reduction. General Alces is a support general whose main gimmick is healing.

    Mr flaky monster legends wiki